Dear visitor:

Mogadishu Polytechnic University

Thank you for your interest in Mogadishu Polytechnic University, formerly known as the University College of Technology (UCT). Since its establishment in 2015, the university has been growing and gaining academic, experiential learning, and research reputation as a nonprofit, co-educational, and independent university.

On behalf of the MPU family, including administration, faculty members, and students, I welcome you to Mogadishu Polytechnic University. MPU is a higher education institution with modern academic programs similar to universities in the United States with the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.


Dear visitor:

Mogadishu Polytechnic University

 is committed to offering quality education programs to respond to the national developmental needs and career interests of our students. Our mission is to develop educated and technically skilled professionals in ICT and other faculties with access to high-standard facilities and excellent academic and career support. We are ambitious and aspire to be a leader in higher education globally. Our core values are respect, experiential learning, quality education, diversity, and professionalism. With that in mind, our focus is on creating a socially purposeful university and learning conducive environment that encourages experiential learning with an emphasis on citizenship, respect for each other, and diversity of opinion.

Every day, I am impressed by our exceptional university community, and I see the brilliance and passion of our faculty and staff. Often, I meet in my office transfer students who express gratitude for the superb education they are receiving and for the caring of our teachers, mentors, and support staff who are guiding them in their higher education journey – something new to them. I am awestruck by the dedication and commitment of our students to their academics and being part of this learning community at MPU.

Mogadishu Polytechnic University has a remarkable story to tell, and I hope your story will become part of our story. I encourage you to visit the campus, explore our website, and become part of our growing family. As the president of Mogadishu Polytechnic University, I welcome you to our website.

Eng. Abdulahi Sheikh Ise
President of Mogadishu Polytechnic University
Mogadishu, Somalia